nathan williams
Nate served in the Army National Guard starting in 2002 as a Heavy Equipment Operator and still serves today in the Recruiting and Retention Battalion as a Recruit Sustainment Program 1ST Sergeant. At 17 years old as a high school student in Gardiner, Maine he made the decision to serve my country. By 20, Nate was on his first deployment to Iraq. After deployment he finished his education in Conservation Law Enforcement at Unity College and the outdoors became a big part of his life. Once he found out about Operation Reboot Outdoors, he know he needed to be part of it, and Nate wanted the opportunity to help people that have had the same experiences he has had. He never really thought of it as a reboot for himself, but every time someone completes a successful mission, the desire to help people grows. Operation Reboot Outdoors has helped him grow as a person and become a much bigger part of the outdoors than ever before. With the assistance of Operation Reboot Outdoors, he was able to complete his Grand Slam in 2020, which is an experience he will never forget.